Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tool #4

1. I will use Google Docs when students work on group projects. Each group can have its own folder - no more "lost" stuff. The same information can be shared with other groups.

2. I have subscribed to way more than 5 because I am still not sure what exactly I will be doing next year, and want a little of everything. I really like Free Technology for Teachers because it covers a wide range of topics. I also subscribed to the PETA blog because we were asked to subscribe to something based on our interests, and animal rights is a huge interest of mine, along with teachers' rights!

3. I think both these tools will help with organizing information and reducing paper usage. I am concerned about how much time it takes - sometimes a plain manila folder and notebook paper is all I need.


  1. I totally agree. We have to remember that technology is only as good as the need it meets. If paper and pencil is what is needed, adding technology only complicates the equation. Technology should be a tool to make the work easier or help in the learning process. Not a stone to trip over.

  2. The lost stuff comment rings so true. I mention in my blog about the issues we have had saving student work on the computers and district servers.

    By the bye LOVE the title of your blog!
